We want to satisfy all of our customers.

with that in mind why not let us design your trip to your specific needs?

Reasons why you might benefit from a tailored trip

  • You can’t make the dates for one of our other trip

  • - You want to do specific activities

  • - You want to go to specific areas

    - You have your own group of people looking for adventure

  • - You want to do a corporate/ team building adventure

  • - You want to work within a budget

  • - You have a specific challenge in mind

  • - You want to plan a fundraising challenge

  • - You want to be picked up from a specific area in the UK

Click the button below to go to our booking form where you can fill in all your adventure details!

Scroll down to see some activities we have done in the past!

Paddleboarding down the river Wye

Some of our favourite memories

Cycling the length of Wales over 3 days

Conquering the Welsh 3 peaks

Head to Head games on the beach in Cornwall