Fundraiser Finished!

What an amazing journey it’s been. We will start by saying thank you so much to everyone that has been involved or donated. This has all been very much a team effort, and has been way bigger than we ever imagined.

We raised a massive £2480! our target was £1000 so together we smashed it!

Watching each rider finish the challenge in Cardiff is an emotional experience we will never forget. Around 230 miles covered from Holyhead in North Wales to Cardiff Bay in South Wales. We had a mixed group of cyclists but the effort from everyone was outstanding. We did have 2 punctures on day 1 but the rest was plain sailing.

Thank you to Jungle Productions for coming along and documenting the challenge been great having you, and will be amazing to watch the clips all together, capturing our best and worst moments.

Massive thank you to my mum Jessica Weale who did all the driving and who has been so involved with all the aspects of planning this trip. Couldn’t of done it without you.

Thank you to my partner Shannon Burns for supporting us all the way, helping push us on and feeding me along the way.

Thank you The Lamb and Luke Dewinton for letting us do our fundraiser evening there, setting up ice baths and helping raise more money. Your support has been amazing.

Thanks to Howdens for doing a car wash in aid of our fundraiser on their trade day. And to Wyes-Cream for the free ice cream on day 2 it was needed!

Thank you to Shane Jones for helping with the fundraiser and allows being someone we can rely on to selflessly help and support the community.

To all the businesses who donated raffle prizes thank you, we raised over £700 due to your contributions.

Thank you to John Matthews for being crazy enough to set out on any challenge with us without hesitation, and for being able to direct and look after the group so well.

Thank you to all the other riders. Carwyn Williams, Neil Dissanayake, Steve Frost, George Lloyd and to Robbie Stockton Link joining us on the last day. Couldn’t of asked for a better group of people to do the challenge with.

Thank you to Mid and North Powys Mind for supporting this challenge and being so helpful. Such a great charity, and all money raised goes to our local branch in Llandrindod Wells. The people there really are amazing.

Thank you so much to everyone that donated, we are so proud of the community and how so many people have supported us. It’s truly amazing what you can achieve when you work together.

Highway Adventures wants to be a business that inspires, motivates and is part of a community. If anyone is struggling with mental health please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can put you in touch with Mind. We understand It’s intimidating to ask for help, but we will always be here.

Sore legs, full heart. Until the next fundraising challenge


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2023 Fundraiser